Anti-Suit Injunction Set Aside in a Company Ownership Dispute Between Husband and Wife


In the legal realm, anti-suit injunctions play a significant role in determining jurisdictional boundaries and resolving disputes between parties across different courts. In this article, we delve into a specific case that highlights the complexities surrounding an anti-suit injunction and its implications on jurisdictional claims. The case in question involves Jyoti and Vineet, where the court had to evaluate the validity of an injunction granted by the Family Court and its impact on the ongoing proceedings in the Ontario Court. Let’s explore the key arguments and findings of this case.


Jyoti and Vineet were embroiled in a dispute involving the ownership of UWA, a company with assets in multiple jurisdictions. Jyoti had initiated proceedings in the Ontario Court, seeking spousal and child monetary support and had listed UWA as an asset owned by Vineet. However, Vineet countered by asserting that Jyoti was the true beneficial owner of UWA and had intentionally structured the transactions to avoid Canadian taxation laws. These conflicting claims led to a jurisdictional tug-of-war between the Ontario Court and the Indian Family Court, where Vineet had filed a declaratory suit (C.S. No.14/2018) related to UWA.

The Anti-Suit Injunction

The Family Court, in response to Vineet’s application, issued an anti-suit injunction restraining Jyoti from pursuing the issue of UWA ownership in the Ontario Court. However, Jyoti was allowed to pursue her claims for maintenance and custody without explicitly seeking the UWA declaration. Jyoti challenged this injunction, arguing that the Ontario Court was already seized with the UWA ownership issue and that Vineet had willingly participated in those proceedings without raising jurisdictional objections.

Key Findings

Illustration symbolizing the landmark judgment overturning the anti-suit injunction on a company ownership dispute between husband and wife.

Upon careful examination of the facts, the court concluded that the Family Court had erred in granting the anti-suit injunction. It recognized that the UWA ownership issue was a crucial matter pending before the Ontario Court and involved substantial factual disputes between the parties. The court noted that Vineet had actively participated in the Ontario proceedings, filed a list of witnesses, and submitted evidence related to UWA. Jyoti, on the other hand, explicitly stated her non-submission to the Indian Court’s jurisdiction in her written statement for C.S. No.14/2018 and raised a valid objection regarding the territorial jurisdiction of the Indian Court to try the suit.

Balancing Jurisdiction and Convenience

In assessing the situation, the court highlighted the three fundamental principles governing the grant of an anti-suit injunction: the existence of a prima facie case, the balance of convenience, and the potential for irreparable loss or injury. It emphasized that the Ontario Court, where both parties had submitted to jurisdiction, was the appropriate forum to decide UWA ownership issues. In contrast, the Indian Family Court lacked territorial jurisdiction over the matter, as the subject company was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands and governed by United Kingdom laws.


Based on a thorough analysis of the case, the court set aside the anti-suit injunction issued by the Family Court and vacated the injunction granted. It acknowledged the significance of the UWA ownership issue before the Ontario Court and the parties’ active participation in those proceedings. While the divorce petition remained pending before the Family Court, it was clarified that the jurisdiction of the Family Court did not extend to all suits and petitions between the parties, particularly those falling outside its territorial jurisdiction.

This case (MAT.APP.(F.C.)-24/2021) serves as a valuable illustration of the complexities surrounding anti-suit injunctions and the careful evaluation of jurisdictional claims. The court’s decision emphasizes the importance of forum conveniens and highlights the need for parties to engage in proceedings in the appropriate jurisdiction. Ultimately, the resolution of such disputes relies on a thorough examination of the facts and adherence to legal principles governing jurisdiction and convenience.

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