Child Custody Arrangement: Delhi High Court Judgment Analysis

Delhi High Court Decides on Child Custody Arrangement

Delhi High Court Decides on Child Custody Arrangement

The Delhi High Court recently made a significant decision regarding a child custody arrangement, bringing clarity to parental rights and responsibilities. Let’s delve into the key aspects of this judgment.

Background and Key Points

The case, MAT.APP.(F.C.) 102/2023, involved an appeal against the judgment and decree passed by the Family Court-02, East District, Karkardooma Courts, Delhi. During the proceedings, an interim arrangement for access to the child was agreed upon by both parties and approved by the court.

The arrangement, outlined in detail, includes provisions for the child’s access by the father, especially during the mother’s residence in Singapore for employment purposes. It covers various scenarios, including visitation rights during weekends, holidays, and even through video calls.

Modifications to the Arrangement

The appellant/mother proposed a modification to the arrangement, suggesting that she should visit India once a year and provide access to the child to the respondent/father for one week. This modification was accepted by both parties and ordered by the court, with the condition that the child’s comfort remains a priority.

Assurance and Further Steps

The respondent/father assured the court of granting “no objection” for the renewal of the child’s passport, resolving a concern raised by the appellant/mother regarding passport validity. The court expects the respondent to file an affidavit confirming this assurance within ten days.


The Delhi High Court disposed of the appeal in line with the agreed conditions of the interim arrangement, with the modification proposed by the appellant/mother. All pending applications related to the case were closed accordingly.

This judgment sheds light on the legal intricacies of child custody arrangements, emphasizing the importance of parental cooperation and the welfare of the child.

This summary provides a comprehensive overview of the Delhi High Court’s judgment on a child custody arrangement, highlighting the relevant legal aspects and modifications made.

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